Sorry I didn't post this yesterday, it got late fast. I went into the photo lab after I was finished with my drawing class at 5:45. I just finished the 3rd panel on my panoramic, which I think turned out very nicely. When I say finished I mean for in class work. It is no where near showable, something I need to work on before I put it in my portfolio for scholarship applications in a week.
So it was already pretty late when I went to the photo lab to develop. Thankfully my good friend was there with me to keep me company... and sane. We developed and made our contact sheets and stared in wonder at how little can come out of a motion shot. They are much trickier than I had hoped. While many of my blur and panning shots turned out not so great, I do feel that I took some pretty nifty stop action shots. I especially like a short series of them that I did with water. Those turned out great.
I did have some trouble with the enlarger that I couldn't figure out, so there is a pale stripe down each page of my contact sheets. Even after I printed them twice I couldn't figure out what was causing the issue. I changed the filter and even the contact carrier. But by that point the lab aide was trying to close up shop so I had to skiddadle out of there, meaning I went home after 9 leaving my wet contact sheets in the drying rack for this morning. Hopefully it won't affect my grade too badly, but I guess we'll see.
I think I need to do a digital study with motion to figure out a less expensive way to get the shots I want without wasting film. Although I did see a flyer in the lab yesterday about a dark room facility in Kettering I may want to check out. Looks expensive if I don't have a Kettering address, but maybe they have a student discount or something. Anyways, I won't be going there until the summer as I'll still have access to the dark room on campus next quarter in my 2 photo classes. I am rather looking forward to only taking photography studios next quarter. I need a break from all this running around. And that extra time will make it easier to find an after school job (which I have begun applying for, here's hoping). Need something to pay for all those art supplies. Being an artist is not cheap. I'm fairly positive that artists didn't starve for their work on purpose but out of necessity. Like the man who used his pillow and blanket to paint on because he ran out of paper and canvas. Yeah, supplies are expensive.
Today I return to the photo lab to make prints from those last 2 rolls and then over to the sculpture studio to hammer away at a big block of plaster. That assignment is turning out to be not as fun as I thought. Maybe I'm just getting burnt on final projects. They do seem to pile up quickly.
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